Cartridge Recommendation for Dual 1229

Cartridge recommendations for a Dual 1229?  

I have a 1229Q.

Shure M75ED Type 2, M91ED,  M95ED,  M97HE Era IV, V15 Type III or IV.

I guess that I've gotten old,  I used to sell this table new.... I bunch of Dual models... Even though this arm will accept a whole bunch of cartridges,  it is most happy with a high compliance cartridge...

For years I used only LOMC cartridges, then about 10 years ago I rediscovered what gems the MM's are from the golden age of analog. (Mid 70's for me).. The Pickering XVS series is incredible and gives up nothing. 
Hang on to yours, even if you swap it out every now and then.  I found mine had outstanding bass and a glorious midrange. 
I run a Shure M97xe, a V15 ii with a JICO stylus, M91ed, Grado Prestige Green or a AT vs210e on my Dual 1229, 1219 or 1228.