Cartridge recommedations


I ordered a Music Hall Classic turntable this week and want to upgrade the Spirit cartridge it comes with.

I am on a tight budget and have narrowed down some pick's.

1- Rega ania

2- Dynovector 10x5

3- Ortofon Quintet bronze

4-Audio technia  AT-33sa

5-Hana sl

At present I have a Sound smith othello mounted on a Sota comet turntable I really like.

I have a Feszel SS-4772  tube amp with KT-88 tubes

I also have a Jolida jd1 phono stage I can use on an mc cart.

These will run into a pair of Megnapan MG-1s I rebuildt last year

Any help is greatly accepted.






I have been reading what reviews that are on the net and that is why I was asking about the cart's I listed.

They seemed to have the best reviews but I wanted some opinions from people who have used them.

I would love to be able to spent a couple thousand for one but as I am 100% disabled that is not in the cards.



are you keeping the SOTA ?
i like the Dynavector and the Ortofon Bronze about equally well, hundreds of hours listening to both in friends / relatives systems.

I think I will keep it.

I sold it a few years ago to another audiogon user and when he received it the platter had a big wobble in it.

I refunded his money and shipping charges and when I got it back I found it was damaged in shipping.

I pulled the platter and found that it had been bounced around so much the screws that hold down the bearing had backed off.

I tightened them up and took 99.9% of the wobble out.

It still has a slight wobble to it but doesn't affect the playback of the records.

I don't I would feel confortable selling it to someone in that condition even though it still sounds real good.


Dear @gregaba  : Your Muuusic Hall tonearm is an unipivot design and the worst kind of design especially with MC cartridges.

In the other side, the premounted cartridge in that TT is an Audio Technica one that you can up-grade by a wide margin with a replacement AT top stylus that can competes with those MC cartridges.

You can see here or ask LP Gear for the ATN95MR. You can't be disappointed with:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
