Cartridge rebuilds, whats your opinion?

I've recently won an Origin Live Resolution with Illustrious tonearm on e-bay. Needless to say I am thrilled with it. The seller had a Koetsu Red(Rosewood) fitted which clearly outclassed my Ortofon Kontrapunkt B, good as it is. So it should, it is twice as expensive. I'm tempted by the Koetsu, but the cost is difficult to justify on such a vulnerable item with a limited life span. I could consider it if a rebuild is a viable option. I know Koetsu will do it, but at a considerable cost. Here in the UK, a number of small outfits such as the cartridgeman offer competitive rebuild and retipping and I am sure a similar service is available in the US. Obviously the result will depend on whose doing it, but in general do you guys have any experience of non manufacturer rebuilds? If so, how close to the origonal can the rebuild get? It would be too much to ask to expect a 100%, but near would do. If it was a realistic prospect, I could justify it to myself(probably not the wife, but you can'nt have everything). Thanks, and greetings from across the pond

Showing 1 response by ed_sawyer

Agreed with TWL. If you are going to have it rebuilt, best to have koetsu redo it. They pretty much fit a whole new unit to the existing wood shell, so it's like getting a whole new cart for 1/2 the price or less (forget the exact costs). Rosewood Sig. is $3500 new, but the rebuild cost is a hell of a lot less than that.

I have a rosewood sig. I got not long ago (used), which I am considering getting rebuilt, it's not cheap (as you mentioned), but you also end up with a $3500 cartridge at the end of the deal for a pretty reasonable price, and could likely get your $ back out of it if you dont' end up liking it.
