Cartridge Mounting

I am new to vinyl and need some help with some basic questions. I have spent a lot of time reviewing past threads to learn. I have a Michell Gyro table rega rb250 with incognito wire and michell techno weight and a Clearaudio virtuoso cartridge. The cartridge comes with plastic and metal bolts to attach it to arm. Is there any benefit to using one versus another? The cartridge also has a metal plate that would go between the cartridge and arm. Is there any reason to use this other than to change VTA? I am still working on an slight inner groove distortion issue, there has been a lot written about that but any additional comments are welcome especially from rb250/virtuoso owners. Thanks

Showing 1 response by elevick

That plate can also cause counterweight problems. You will get different effects if you need less counterweight vs the cartridge. Clearaudios are not light to start with and that can exacerbate the problem on a light arm...