Cartridge load capacitance for Denon dL160

Hi. I'm concerned with Audience AU24 cable capacitance deducted from the cartridge load capacitance of a Denon DL-160 cartridge. I'm using a Manley Steelhead phono preamp which allows easy dialing in of load capacitance. I know that a 3 foot length of AU24 cable has 110 pf of capacitance. This has to be deducted from the cartridge load capacitance of a Denon DL-160 cartridge but I don't know what this is? Does anybody know the cartridge load capacitance of a Denon DL-160 cartridge? I've checked the spec sheet on this cartridge but I'm still uncertain. I have a Sumiko Blackbird cartridge too but I'm not using it at present (making do with the cheap Denon cartridge for now). Thanks.
