Cartridge ISOLATION; What Say You?

another good read, it does go against my 'instinct' of a rock solid cartridge/arm connection. (non-removable headshell) 

Who thinks what?
Who tried what?

btw, has anyone tried a Len Gregory cartridge (with or without the isolator)?

another comment in the article: reviewer mentioned a layer of isolation under the tonearm base (he tried blu-tac). Also against my 'instinct'.

Showing 2 responses by tomwh

Mijostyn  I want  to get a degree in vibration  from the school you went to.  To be able to know proofs without testing or research  could save a person alot of time.  Miller carbon at  least  brings up the many variables , known and unknown  , which are in play.  

You need to talk to Lewm and / or read  reviews on the RS lab tonearm.  It breaks your wild quesses to dead.  Is it the best?  Who knows which cart system etc...  

You might want to read tomic 601 posts.  He refers to alot of the issues on this forum.  Hasty generalization  is one of them.  You will have to know what that means, as  he defines it quite  eloquently.   He also brings up,  know your guru's  taste  in music reproduction.  My own research  has shown me most people  have not had enough exposure  and or interest  in what real music  sound like to even begin to evaluate  a system.  You can have  100 degrees  in engineering,  mechanics , physics  and be tone deaf.  The Ad copy  guys can write anything.  The engineers can tell the ad copy guys whatever.

So we are  back to try the gizmo or make your own.  Then you  will know first hand if you like it or not.  Then you will know ,in your system,  if it get you closer  to what YOU want.  So even if that is not  what real music sounds like who cares.  If it makes you happy  thats all that matters.
Hey grasshopper aka tomic601. If you can take the DHT tubes out of the SET and build a transformer coupled push/pull. Now you can rock and roll but still hear that wooden cello.

I think people make this way to hard. When the cello plays at your house you will probably FEEL HEAR a beautiful wooden string instrument. Nice full body no electronic sound no harness. You probably will not be listening for black background or air around instrument, Soundstage etc... You will be able to hear the tone, attack, has much as a cello can do, decay etc...

I guess the moral of the story is when it is all said and done weather in is high mass or low mass this profile or that , rigid or flexible etc... How does it sound when it hit my ears. So if the graph does not support my findings then I will have to support my ears. Can not hear without my ears but I can listen without looking at the graph.

The sad part is this thread did not even get to graphs . Just wild ass guesses posing as the truth. So grasshopper I will leave you with this quote I read way back then. " I do not know what I am more upset about judgmental people or my judgment of judgmental people???"

Enjoy the ride