Cartridge help: Ortofon Cadenza vs. Soundsmith Paua

I recently ordered a VPI Avenger with a 12" 3d arm and need help choosing between the Ortofon Cadenza (bronze or black, though I'd lean toward the bronze because it is the warmer of the two) vs the Soundsmith Paua.  My preferences are for a sound that is not overly detailed, but smooth through entire range, warmer side of neutral, wonderful midrange, and not overly dynamic, lively, detailed where listening fatigue can set in.  

I've previously had a VPI Prime turntable and Ortofon Quintet Black.  It certainly wasn't bad but have been hearing wonderful things about Soundsmith.  My phono stage is the Zesto Andros 1.2, so loading and gain should not be an issue with either.  

Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @djfst :  I'm not trying to "" questioning/blame "" you but to understand what you posted in your thread if you have an explanation for:

""""   a sound that is not overly detailed, but smooth through entire range, warmer side of neutral, wonderful midrange, and not overly dynamic, lively, detailed where listening fatigue can set in.  """"

those are your needs/targets.

Now, normally we build and upgrade ( through the time. ) our audio system to really enjoy MUSIC and your targets goes against MUSIC against how live music performs:

live MUSIC transmit feelings/emotions because its " power " and " dynamics " that almost every audiophile wants even at home but can't do it, well at least we want to be as nearest as we can. " Lively " is the name of the MUSIC.

live MUSIC is everything you want but smooth or warmer if we are listening it at 5-10 m., of course that if we are seated at 30-50 m. from the live source well....

live MUSIC could produce " fatigue " because its SPL. 

Now and talkink on top/decent cartridges and listening audio system at " normal " home SPL: if through the listening time we feel " fatigue " is not because the cartridge but because the audio system overall performance, something wrong with that system not the cartridge.

Btw, the stringreen advise on the Windfels is really good advise.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Dear @djfst :  """  I have to disagree with you about the system causing the listening fatigue without the possibility of it being the cartridge  """

I respect your stament. I'm still with my post where you can read:

"""  top/decent cartridges and listening audio system at " normal " home SPL . """

where if the tonearm/cartridge set up and cartridge electrical/mechanical set up was made accurately and the cartridge is already with at least 150 hours of playback then there is no doubt that the " fatigue " ( we are talking about. ) comes from other or other links in the system audio chain.

Please read the 3-4 last posts in this thread with a cartridge that outperforms almost all the cartridges mentioned in your thread:

this cartridge is a " pain in the ass " way before you really can enjoy it. VDH knows that and that's why they asks to return it after 300 hours for its fine tunning but after this FT it's just marvelous.

Anyway, the cartridge choice is a very personal choice. Good luck.

Regards and enjoy the music,