Cartridge for Technics SL-1200GAE

Just purchased a GAE and looking for cartridge recommendations that are a good match for the tonearm and have a musical character. I’m not a detail freak but tone and pace, rhythm, and timing are important (I don’t want pleasant sounding but doesn’t hold your attention). I’m looking under $1000 and can be MM or MC. Hoping to get responses from users with experience. Was thinking Hana EL based on reviews but would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance!

Showing 2 responses by johnnyb53

AT-150MLX which is out of production but still available on the web.
Specifically, you can get it from LpGear as an authorized dealer here.

However, when my MicroLine stylus got bent, I decided to try out AT's Shibata stylus for that cartridge. LpGear has that one too, and I like the AT150 with Shibata even better than with the MicroLine--smoother top end, no glare, yet involving detail, great timbres and tonal balance.

You can also pick up a complete AT150Sa from LpGear for a $271.98 incl. shipping. That's a *really great price* for all that that cartridge can do. 
What phono stage are you using with the AT150 and are you using shorter ICs?
My turntable is a Technics SL1210 M5G. It’s the Grandmaster edition with a few improvements over the standard SL1200.

The interconnect is hardwired. It’s 45" long OFC with a total capacitance of 90 pF (this is lower than the standard SL1200). My phono stage is a MAGI Phonomenal. It’s a PTP handwired unit with four 6DJ8-family tubes and front panel settings for capacitance and resistance. I set the capacitance to the lowest available setting on my model, which is 100pF. This brings total capacitance to 190pF, which works out just fine. I had no need to switch ICs or modify the phono stage’s input impedance. I LOVE this phono stage. In some circles it's considered a poor man's Manley Steelhead.