Cartridge for Technics SL-1200GAE

Just purchased a GAE and looking for cartridge recommendations that are a good match for the tonearm and have a musical character. I’m not a detail freak but tone and pace, rhythm, and timing are important (I don’t want pleasant sounding but doesn’t hold your attention). I’m looking under $1000 and can be MM or MC. Hoping to get responses from users with experience. Was thinking Hana EL based on reviews but would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by defride

Having recently entered the world of TT with an SP10 mk2 in a heavy plinth I can share my experience with a couple of cartridges mentioned in the thread which I've had installed on a Jelco 750 12' 

System, Aesthetix Calypso, Cyrus phono signature, 70db gain, cap 220pf and res 450 ohm, after experimentation this gave the best balance I my system with the 103, Kharma amps and speakers. Cdp has been an EMM CDSA until recently

I started with a Denon 103, the basic version. It produced a big, forward sound, vocals had a nice natural quality but the system seriously lacked clarity and any sense of finesse. Detail retrieval was poor and bass while prominent was woolly and could be described as rather one note, there was little sense of the tonal quality of different bass parts. Sound staging extended slightly beyond the speaker width with a good recording but there was little depth. All in all, listenable but nothing to write home about. The cart was set up by an expert.

I've since replaced the 103 with an Audio Technica AT33PTGii

This I set up myself with a basic protractor (I checked the 103 against this and it didn't appear to be out in any way). From the off there has been a huge improvement. The clarity and detail retrieval that the EMM is able to produce is all there but with greater presence and weightier bass. Initially there was a lack of soundstage width and depth, the sound was rather set between the speakers but with some hours this has filled out and I'm getting width, depth and palpable imaging. My system is sounding better than ever, I'm very impressed. Sadly the ART9 isn't a good match for the heavy Jelco or I'd have tried it. For the time being though I'm happy to relax and buy some more records!

Based on this experience I wonder why the 103 gets so many recommendations? I don't have much experience with carts in this price range, Grado Gold on another TT didn't offer up much while a Goldring 1042 did a decent job. The AT is a step up in price but very well worth the extra in the right set up