Cartridge for Gyro SE/ Rega RB300 &Slee Gold Era V

I'm looking for opinions on a cartridge to use on a Michell Gyro SE with a Rega RB300 arm used with a Graham Slee Gold Era MkV phono pre. The MkV requires a MM or high output MC cartridge. I don't understand enough about matching cartridges to tonearms. Any help would really be appreciated!
I have a Michell Tecnodec, Rega Rb 250, and a Graham Slee Era Gold MK V, not exactly whay you're using, but similar, and I enjoy my CLearaudio Aurum Beta S wood body cart.
The Virtuoso Wood is supposedly better, retails for $800, but is available here for less...
I use the Grado reference Sonata for $400 with my Graham Slee era gold. Very nice combo.
Thanks for the input. I'm still researching. I'll let you know what I end up with. Any other suggestions out there?
Being completely new to "real" analog playback, I cannot suggest that I've compared carts. Audiogon member Twl has teh cart/arm "matching" knowledge you seek, however many analog-friendly dealers would be able to suggest a good match to the widely used Rega arms.

good luck.
I'm not sure what type of music you listen to, but if you favor anything other than the classical spectrum, do a Google search for the Reson Reca. It's not available as far as I know from any US source, but is available readily from UK dealers. Origin Live is one source. The TNT Audio website review makes it sound like a very interesting MM cartrige. Many european listeners with Rega Arms who need the best available MM seem to favor this unit. It will cost about $500 to import. I'm thinking very seriously about trying one myself on my VPI scout. I have used a Goldring 1042 (the Reson is a modified 1042) in the past and loved many things about it. I'm using a Grado Sonata now, which is nice, but the Goldring sure did the PRAT thing really well and I'd sure like to hear what an upgraded version would do.