???Cartridge break in???

I just fired up a Nottingham space deck (with space arm)with a dynavector 20X cartridge. My first impression, after all of 30 minutes? Deep, subwoofer bass is not there. Very sharp , thin compressed high end. Somewhat narrow soundstage; I have Audio Physic virgos and know what the hell a soundstage is. Is this the newness of the cartridge? Or something with analog itself? What are the general characteristics of analog vs. digital? What is gained, and what is lost? thanks..........Mark

Showing 1 response by uberwaltz

Lol @lewm 
This is not the oldest one I have seen excavated over last couple weeks, last week limo dug up one from 2000.

So I guess the answer is that yes some people are bored,.....VERY bored.

But it is all good!

Better than no posts at all agreed?