Cartridge/arm matching

Hi. I have to admit I know next to nothing on this subject. I have a Rega RB 250 arm with a Shelter 501 mk 11 cartridge. There's been some suggestion that that may be a less than great match as it's a medium mass arm with a low compliance cartridge.

I'm on a very tight budget… don't really want to change the arm as I've rewired it with Cardas & bought an Expressimo Half Moon Heavyweigh counterweight (the latter made a massive positive difference). Would a Denon DL 103R be a better match for the arm?

Showing 2 responses by chakster

Rega RB 250 effective mass is 12g
and you know the compliance of your cartridge @ 100Hz (Japan standard)
make sure to multiply it on 1,5 or 2 to find out actual compliance at 10Hz

and then simpli check the diagram illustrates the relationship between cartridge compliance, tonearm mass and the resulting resonance frequency:

you will see which cartridge (compliance @10Hz) will be the best match for your tonearm (effective mass) to stay in desired resonance range from 8 to 15 hz
**** The base rule of thumb for converting from 100Hz to 10Hz is to multiply by 1.5

Audiodistinction, i'm not a technician but are you sure that multiply by 2 is incorrect when converting @100Hz compliance to @10Hz compliance?

**** I have tried, many times, to get a DL-103 to work (aka sound good) mated with a medium compliance tonearm, always unsuccessfully.

I have the same feeling when i tried higher compliance cartridges on heavier tonearm designed for Denon DL103 family (Thosam Schich "12 Tonearm). But i can't find effective mass for Shick tonearm anywere, i wish to know.

***** DL-103 as having the lowest compliance and being the most stiff and unbendable of any other cartridge on the market.

Except Ortofon SPU probably: 8 µm/mN (10Hz)