cartiage for Kenwood L07D genuine tone arm

I has a chance to get this turntable
Currently I use thorens ambiance table, transrotor arm and benz micro LP
My speaker system is quad esl-63 pro plus Gradient SW-63
Is there any suggestion about a new cartiage for this player
I received turntable last weekend
According to manual,I found the sub weight should be attached to the arm for the cartridge heavier than 9g
Does it change the effective tone arm mass?
09-27-15: Jagdzaku
I received turntable last weekend
According to manual,I found the sub weight should be attached to the arm for the cartridge heavier than 9g
Does it change the effective tone arm mass?
No it doesn't. The effective mass is the mass or weight of the tonearm from its pivot to the headshell.

The extra counterweight enables you to balance a heavier cartridge. The counterweight doesn't add effective mass, but the cartridge does.

You have to factor in the weight of the cartridge plus teh tonearm's effective mass to arrive at the total effective mass.
As with cartridge weight, the mass and distance of the counterweight from the pivot point certainly changes the effective mass/inertial mass of the combined system.
With all due respect to Johnny, and as Dave partly indicated, Johnny's response to the question about effective mass is incorrect on all counts. The effective mass is a function of the distribution of the mass of the tonearm from pivot to headshell, including the cartridge mass, (not just the total mass per se), which is why you cannot determine effective mass by simply weighing the tonearm, and the counter-weight also contributes to effective mass by a factor related to the square of the distance from the pivot point to the center of mass of the CW times the mass of the CW. Thus, the "subweight" increases effective mass on both counts; it shifts the center of mass of the total CW further away from the pivot and it adds to total mass. Apologies to Johnny...