Cart match for OL Silver/Sota Sapphire/PH-1

I'm looking into a cart upgrade (I'm currently running a Virt Wood). I have a budget capped @ $1K.
I'd like to move into an MC and have been considering the following:
Transfiguration Spirit
Koetsu Black
Lyra Argo
Ortofon Kontrapunkt B
Shelter 501/901

I listen mostly to acoustic jazz with some rock (indie/classic/acoustic) & classical thrown in for good measure.

My current setup (V-Wood/OL Silver/Sota Star Sapphire /AcousTec PH-1) gives me great detail, but it's lacking in depth and bottom end... it doesn't really put me "there." My VTA sets the arm parallel w/ the record surface, and tracking is set just a hair under 2 grams. The PH-1 is set @ the factory MM settings (42dB/47k).

I have used the 501 in my system, but it was thru a different phono stage (Phonomena) in a different listening environment. I was impressed, but I'm on the fence about giving it another run.

Has anyone had experience w/ any of the above carts on an OL Silver arm? Any suggestions/recommendations for a cart upgrade? Thanks in advance!!!


Showing 2 responses by twl

Really surprised that you didn't like the 501 very much. Maybe you should try one of the other European cartridges you listed, since the "Japanese" sound of the Shelter and Koestu are quite different than the "European" sound of the Clearaudio you are running. That may be the simple answer.
Setup on the Shelters is critical, and they also require some reasonable break-in time of at least 40 hours. They can sound unacceptable at certain early stages of the break in. But they come out really sweet after the break in period. Try Jay at Audio Revelation for the Shelter. He is an Audiogon advertising and supporting dealer.