Cart. for AR turntable

what is the best cart. for 71' AR turntable price under $180 ? how 'bout sumiko blue-point? also tweak for AR if any ? Thanks, Rute.

Showing 2 responses by musikdok

I used a Blue Point (solid bodied) on my AR after refurbishing and adding the VPI med mass arm, and the sound was too strident ('hard') for my tastes. Can't recommend it. Ended up using an AT440ML with acceptable results at the price point. Apparently Grados can't be used on AR tables due to motor-induced hummmmmmm. Too bad there, unless you changed to DC drive! Another little 'tweak' I used was judicious/strategic use of Dynamat damping compound on the metal subchassis. 'Ringing' of such a subchassis (an issue in the Linn as well) will color the sound. Would also definitely recommend putting new springs in and checking out the grommets and such in the suspension. Enjoy!
Other contenders likely to be compatible with the AR would include Denon DL-110 or 160, Clearaudio aurum alpha or beta, or perhaps one of the lower-priced Dynavectors. I've been 'hearing' good things about those in particular (10X4 mk II), but not sure off the top o' my head what the list is.