carol kidd on vinyl

i have Linn's pressing of All my Tomorrows...absolutely the rest recording i own! are there any other albums by her on vinyl still for sale? if so where/how can i get them. thx
SOrry I was unclear. If you go to you will see others. just plug in Carol Kidd in the thier search engine.
not sure if you misread my first line of my post...i have this album, and love it, but was looking for others. thanks anyhow
try this.pricey but good
didnt have any luck with vinyl at MD. although i think i may have jusst worked out a deal for 5 of her albums, on vinyl, for 10 bucks a piece. if they're anything like all my tomorrows, ill be pleased for sure
I am firmly in your camp. Try music direct or elusive disc. On cd try Carol Kidd with Robert Farnon Ochestra-A Place In My Heart- Linn