Cardas Clear Reflection advice needed

HI group,
I recently bought a Bel Canto Pre3VB preamp with its VBS power supply, which I'm running to my Bel Canto REF500S amp. 
Since the Pre3VB and REF500s are fully balanced, I'm in the market for an XLR cable.
My source interconnects are Cardas Clear; I could wait and save up some more for a Clear XLR, or I could go with a Clear Reflection right now.
If I did that, would I be compromising my system? 
Interested in your thoughts.
My system: BC REF500s, BC Pre3VB & VBS1 battery supply, Arcam Alpha 9 CDP, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SE speakers, Kimber Monocle XL speaker cable......

Thanks for your help...

Showing 5 responses by sdl4

@decooney  Like @jl1ny, I continue to use Clear Reflection XLRs between DAC and preamp and between preamp and mono block amps. I'm hoping to move the amps closer to the speakers so I can use shorter speaker cables, but that requires much longer interconnects (5 meters instead of 1 meter) between the preamp and amps, and the Clear Reflections are pretty expensive at those lengths.

In my search for long interconnects that don't cost a lot, I've tried several XLRs that sounded very impressive at first, especially in terms of detail and transparency, but ultimately proved to be a bit fatiguing and lacking in the tonal richness I've gotten used to with the Cardas CR. You've mentioned the timbre, tone, and body you've heard with Cardas, and I haven't heard the same fullness, liquidity, and smoothness with the other ICs I've tried.

I first did an extended trial of the Vovox Sonorus, which is a Swiss XLR with a solid reputation in the pro audio community. The Vovox provided impressive liveliness and transparency, which was impressive at first, but it lacked the fullness and smoothness of the Cardas CR in my system. My next extended trial was with the Zavfino Fusion XLR, which provided realistic detail and transparency. The Fusion was good enough that I left it in the system for several weeks, until I realized that I wasn't listening to music quite as frequently as I had been and decided to replace the Fusion with the CR. The immediate effect of adding the Cardas back into the system (between preamp and amps) was an increase in the fullness and body I like to hear in wooden instruments and voice. The Fusion now sounded thin in comparison.

I recently went back and re-read Steve Huff's review of the Clear Reflection cables on his photo gear website. I realized that Huff appreciates the same attributes in the CR that I do, especially the fullness, tonal balance, midrange liquidity, richness, and smoothness I hear with the CR. The CR also images great and isn't rolled off in the highs, but it also doesn't over-emphasize high frequency detail at the expense of tonal balance.

I guess I just need to resign myself to admitting that I love Clear Reflection, since I can't seem to find a cheaper cable that is a better match for my preferences and my system.


@decooney  I'll be interested in your impressions of the Clear Reflection ICs this time around.

@decooney  It's been a while since I added Clear Reflection ICs to my system, and I don't recall specifics of the sound during break-in. Cardas cables do have a reputation for requiring fairly long break-in periods. I do remember that the ups and downs with my cables smoothed out after a few weeks. Even near the beginning, I did not have the urge to pull them out of the system since they brought a certain "rightness" to the sound.

@decooney  There's an interesting Youtube interview with Angela Cardas from 2018 on John Darko's site:  


In the last couple minutes of the video, Angela tells about her experience with temporarily replacing the Clear Reflection cables in her home system with the top-of-the-line Clear Beyond cables - and begging to get the CR cables back into her system asap. She still likes the Clear Beyonds in the right room with the right equipment, but for her preferences and her home set-up, she prefers the CR for listening to music.

@decooney  I'm glad you've found a cable mix that has synergy in your room and for your ears.