Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords

......looking to put this on my Silver Circle Audio 5.0SE Power Conditioner. I like the Shunyata's - which can be a little thin to my ears ....and the rest of my system is Purist Audio 20th Anniversary along with Limited Edition Power cords .....However, my speaker cables are the Cardas Clear Beyond ...because they were so damm good, so any thoughts on what this power cord is like would be helpful.

Showing 5 responses by guidocorona

Are you saying that your Shunyata PCS are older than Zitrons? Older series are a little warmer than Zitrons... Zitrons are even more linear than CX. At the same time, Zitron PCs are richer in harmonics.... I have not tried yet the latest Alphas and Sigmas from Shunyata, but I have read enthusiastic comments about them.

For what I could tell at RMAF, Cardas Clear Beyond are relatively similar to Shunyata Zitrons, in the sense that Clear Beyond expose a lot of harmonic content without introducing any harshness.... Even though they use a completely different internal construction than Shunyata wires.

Hi Gary, of course I remember *smiles!* ... All's well under the Sun on my side... having lots of fun evaluating the High Fidelity power cords designed by Rick Schultz... Truly amazing stuff in their own right.

In recent times I have extended my financial irresponsibility by becoming a dabbler in horns... That is high brass music instruments... I have a fab Adams A4 heavy trumpet, and a Kanstul flugel horn in my burgeoning collection.... With two custom cornets by Carolbrass on order... a Bb with three shepherd crooks, and an Eb soprano. Except for the fact that wife tells me that I sound like a love-sick elephant in distress, I'm having loads of fun... And unlike high end audio wire products, mouthpieces used to customize the sound of horns cost often less than $60 a pop.

But going back to those Cardas PCs... It seemed to me that the Clear Beyond sonic signature is pretty consistent across the line. So, if you value the beautiful sound you heard from the speaker wires, I doubt that you will be disappointed with a Clear Beyond PC.

Hey David, which Cardas wires did not work in your system, and what did they do that was not right?


Neutrality does not imply non-musicality. Neutrality is simply the characteristics to treat the entire audible region equally... Without emphasizing or dampening any particular region of the audible spectrum.... In this, neutrality and musicality are not opposites, and can happily coexist in an audio product.
