Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?

Any impression, review,etc. on these new cables?

I own two Clear Beyond Power cords for the Luxman 509u integrated amp and Accuphase DP700 SACD player, Clear Reflection XLR interconnects and a double run of old (but still good) Golden Reference speaker cables biwiring my B&W 803D’s, plus an old Golden Reference Power feeding the Goldnote Dumbo AC (the power filter dedicated to the digital source), while the Purepower 3000 feeding all system receives the dedicated power line (10 meters -I write from Italy- of 3x12AWG for hospital grade UPSs cable terminated with Oyaide C279) from the electric panel.

I am planning to replace the Reflection XLR with the new Beyond, and the G.R. Power for the AC filter with a Clear Power.

More extended, neutral and dynamic but still musical interconnects, and less bright/forward power cable should re-create the same balance, but a step "beyond" ;) .

I read from the Cardas website the new Beyond should be a musical cable with increased "slam" on low frequencies, instead of the too resolving, light character of the old Clear, still the Rev.1, I never liked; maybe Beyond is a more extended Reflection than an improved Clear, who knows?!

Showing 11 responses by mikey8811


would you say more musical because they are fuller sounding and richer in the midrange & bass?


Partly based on your advice, I bought a pair of Clear Beyond to go from pre to power amp. I will continue using Golden Cross from DAC to pre as my DAC lacks midrange richness. I hope that doesn't defeat the purpose of the Clear Beyond.

It should arrive soon and I'll post my findings here.
@garebear , @biggy79

I've tried them out for a bit now.

In my system, the Clear Beyond interconnects have great bass, lots of midrange and low bass richness as well as bloom. However, it sounds loose and is not as focused. The highs are also slightly tipped up but I use a Cardas Golden Cross on the DAC to preamp link and that ameliorates the highs a bit. So far, there are things I like about it and other aspects not so much compared to the NBS Statements I replaced them with which are more focused but also more aggressive sounding.

I'll let them settle for a few days. I was wondering what sort of a difference you observed during the break in period.

Thanks. Can you tell me what you found past 50 hours and then past 100 hours? How did the characteristics of the cable change?
I have done about 50 hours on the Clear Beyond now.

Overall, I find the highs still tipped up with some sibilance and hardness.

Hopefully, this goes away otherwise it may be too neutral for my liking.

I have not heard the Clear Reflection and am wondering if this is a trait too.
@biggy79 I think you are right. My DAC has had a firmware upgrade which has enhanced midrange richness. This has counteracted the tipped up highs with the Clear Beyond I was hearing before. They are pretty good now.

@david_ten I am thinking of replacing the Golden Cross from DAC to preamp with a Clear Reflection.

Hopefully that gives me the same midrange and full bodied sound that the Golden Cross has but with more openness.

I think the Golden Cross is hard to beat in a solid state system, I preferred them to Golden Reference and they will remain one of my all time favourite interconnects.
@pennsy, care to share which other brands have a similar sound to Cardas at more competitive prices?
Hi guys.

@david_ten I am still using the Clear Beyond from pre to power with a Clear Reflection from DAC to pre. I find the Clear Beyond can be a bit tipped up in the highs on some source material. You are using Audience SX speaker cables correct? It will be interesting for you to also try Audience SX interconnects and compare them to the Clear Beyond

@biggy79 This works out well as I like the midbass bloom the Clear Reflection gives. I haven't got the funds to try another Clear Beyond so it will have to do for now.

I am sorting out my power cords now and am wondering what works best with Clear Beyond Power. I have them everywhere except for the sources where I have Golden Reference. In this context, there is a little bass boom
@david_ten Which Pass separates are you trying the Au 24 SX XLR's with and how do they sound so far?

I wonder if they have a leaner sound than Cardas does.
@david_ten from what you are saying, it sounds like the Audience SX is the way to go.

I think the Clear Beyond will give you some of that. How does it compare to the Audience SX? I will await your feedback.