Cardas Clear and beyond speaker cables.

Hello. I have been using Straight Wire Crescendo speaker cables for the last few years tri wired from my B&W Matrix 800s to my Krell FPB 600. Pre is the ARC  Ref 6 which is going in for the 6SE upgrade shortly. Also ALL my ICs are Straight Wire Crescendo. Also just bought the ARC Ref 750s that will now be replacing my Krell FPB 600. I have been reading a lot of great reviews about the Cardas Clear and beyond speaker cables. I’d like to know your options on them compared to the SW Crescendos. Preferably from first hand users of these 2 speaker cables. Thanks. 

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Showing 1 response by garebear

The Cardas Clear Beyond speakers cables are neutral to a degree but very musical and backed by a great group of people. I own them and have thoroughly enjoyed them for the past 6 years.