Capri to the monoblocs 501, which cables?

I have just bought Jeff Rowlnds Capri and monoblocs 501
(Cd Player Denon DCD 2700 / Loudspeakers Infinity Renaissance 90)
I am hearing 85% classical music, mostly orchestral works and opera. I have been trying (starting from the Denon)

a) NBS Monitor active III / NBS Monitor III / NBS Monitor IV

very fast, incredible precision and details , amazimg soundstaging beautifull space beetween the instruments but, and this is a big but, absolutely awfull sound of the strings, harsch and uncultivated with too much white and pink noise

b) Shunyata Antares / NBS monitor III / NBS monitor IV

less detailed but more homogeneous, more organig picture of the whole, more polite ... sounds as if some tube would be there, I am not sure it is the reality and it seems to me creating some colour and fake sound-staging

c) Transparent ref / NBS monitor III / XLO Pro 650

female voice for example, lacking body, no enough texture, everything a little bit lean

Thank you for advices

kind Regards

Showing 3 responses by clavil

hi everybody,

thank you for the advices, I have heard the JFR with Cardas and Trenner-Friedl loudspeakers, it sounded warm and quiet.
With the NBS it's fast, even sometimes too agressive but of course the source isn't the same : Denon DCD versus EMM Labs

Hi Guidocorona,

you will probably find the following history funny. I was thinking to replace my Threshold Fet Nine E for an ARC ref 3 or un Mark Levinson 326 ... I was in Bangkok when somebody of the forum told me about your thread (ARC ref 3 or Capri) which made me very curious about Jeff Rowlands Capri ... back to Switzerland I got last week a Capri and an ARC ref 3 at home. The importer of the products of Jeff Rowland invited me to hear trough all the JFR products so that I got also the monoblocs 501 at home... when I compared them to my OCM I had a great schock ... opening of a new dimension of the stage imaging, definition, precision, control of the loudspeakers so that I decided to buy the monoblocs 501 + the Capri ... I was slightly desapointed by the ARC (beautifull warm sound but not so precise ... was it because it had only some 130 hours on the counter or because a Jeff Rowland preamp matches better with a Jeff Rowland amp ... or just because the Capri is so good???
In any case thank you! So I got my Capri yesterday, I am still using the monoblocs of the dealer because mine are still in the US, waiting for a transoceanic flight.

once more thanks a lot

kind regards
Hi Guido,

I am professional musician (classical music), that's why I am looking for a system which shows the reality ... the warmth of tubes is beautifull nevertheless a kind of distorsion of the reality ... the precision of the Capri is indeed amazing.
I use my system for 2 different purposes a) enjoy music b) as a kind of microcospe allowing my hears to zoom into the orchestra isolating one or other instrument.

In Europe we have 220 Volts, is the JRDG PC1 also build for this ?

Hi Guido,

could you also ask him which cables he is using beetween preamp and amp ... I am very curious about this point

Talking with the importer, he told me that Jeff Rowland had a pair of Mini Magico, a really amazing "little thing" ... incredible precision and details ... but very expensive
