Capped off?

Good morning to the community!  I am using RCA caps (from Cardas – don’t know if that makes a difference) on all my unused ports.  Supposedly, they help eliminate crosstalk between the outputs and inputs.  I’m really not sure if I can tell a difference, but they sure look cool!

Anybody else using these?  If so, I would be interested in your thoughts.  Thanks! 


Showing 5 responses by lowrider57

If the caps have a pin then they are shorting-plugs and should only be used on RCA inputs. Not all components can use these.
Regular caps can be used anywhere.

+1 tube_gb

@millercarbon, what makes one brand better than another; materials, design?
And do you use shorting plugs on inputs?

Tonight I placed shorting plugs into the inputs on my preamp. I have these gold plated plugs that were from years past. I'll need to listen for a few days to note any sonic change.

Maybe I'll get the dust caps for the outputs but I don't know if they provide any benefit.