I spent time in the Fyssion room at CAF.
I own full-range driver speakers so I've a reasonable point of reference in terms of what to expect. Without getting into too much detail, the guys in the room had 3 pairs of speakers each connected to a switch box where they were switched in and out in turn. One of the 3 was set up on the floor and angled toward the listener. This seemed to be the primary pair and sounded pretty good playing as a single pair without the others connected.
As each of the other speakers was switched in, the soundstage became a little larger but also more diffuse. The speakers were not aligned on a common center, hence the imaging becoming more diffuse I believe. I think the guys were focused on creating a big sound at the expense of accuracy and focus. And in that, they succeeded.
It needs someone to spend more time with these speakers, someone who knows how to get them set up properly, perhaps to closer simulate a true line-source, rather than have them offset.
I live in VA and Boone NC is reachable but it's a long drive. I was impressed enough to consider buying a couple of pairs of these and trying them in my system at home. They're on to something, but their approach and spiel isn't quite tweaked enough for the audiophile market, but it could be.