The more voltage tolerance, the better. Too close and the cap will overheat and may blow. Heat is the enemy of the cap and you need a little padding. 800v is better than 600, etc. The REL and Jantzen along with the Mundhorf offer good voltage tolerance and great sonics. My fave is the v-caps. Not for those looking to spend 20.00 for 4 caps, but worth every penny. jallen
Cap voltage
I took the lid off of my preamp today (Cary SLP 98) to poke around in advance of an impending cap upgrade. I was told by the tech that I can co to a smaller value on the output coupling cap ( might increase dynamics if feeding a high impedance load) but need to stay with 600v. ??? Why 600v when the pre only puts out about 2v. Don't smaller voltages sound better?