Cantus by Stereophile nice?

Hi all,

The Cantus series of CD by Stereophile 'looks' pretty interesting... are they worth the money? Which one is the must get?

Thanks in advance.....
I have two CDs by Cantus: "Let Your Voice Be Heard," 19 tracks of an international reportoire, and "Comfort and Joy," 16 tracks with a Christmas theme. I really like both of these albums. The performances and sound quality are outstanding. Highly recommended.
I bought the Christmas one (Comfort and Joy"). After reading about it in Stereophile I was really excited to hear it. Sorry, but I was dissapointed. I might change my mind if I heard some of their other works, but Comfort and Joy just doesn't work for me.

check out this link

some of the music clips could be downloaded for trial. I did. and found that they are not to my liking.