Canton Reference 9k opinions

I recently started a thread asking opinions of what might be an upgrade from my Usher Dancer Mini-X DMD speakers. Received lots of great input from forum members. Basically I'm trying to decide if this will be my end game speaker in a 9x12 listening room. When I bought these I was also interested in the Canton Reference 9k. At that time it seemed like they weren't available for order. But now they are at $3,500 a pair. Almost the same that the Ushers go for now. Can't find much on this exact model but there sure are people that talk highly about the Cantons in general. Any opinions on this specific speaker or the Canton speakers in general would be highly appreciated

Showing 1 response by wassaicwill

I know this is an old thread but since it still pops up prominently in search results I thought I’d chime in, as I’ve had these for a few weeks now and have been running them in.

The comments above about needing 2 subs with these is absurd. They have some of the best, most authoritative sub-100Hz performance I’ve heard on any standmount under $10K. I have put these through some torture tests and believe the specs that say they reach to 25Hz, that is my experience. They soften a bit maybe below 40, but only slightly. Subs are absolutely optional with these--I’m a bass nut, so I’ll probably add 1 eventually, but again, entirely optional.

Also, I’d like to push back against audiotroy’s uncharacteristically incomprehensible reply (i like and respect much of your input, but not in this case)--I would put these Cantons in a comparison with B&W, Focal, and Sonus Faber, three brands I’m very familiar and current with. I love Focal best of those three, the Aria 926 were truly special, but they don’t remotely compete with these on the low end. The Arias are "sub mandatory", but do so much else right that they’re easy to love. I’m not quite as enamored of B&W and sF, but that’s just my personal taste.

These Canton are both refined and bold, neutral and engaging, go deep but not with boomy mid-bass bloat (I’m also running these with very good electronics that tend to the lean/neutral side, so it’s a great match).

The old cliche is that B&W are like sitting in the first row, Focal are like sitting in the 5th row, and sF are like sitting in the 10th row. I’d say these are like stage-diving. A whole different level of engagement with the music. I won’t go any deeper into my impressions of performance across the frequency range because my room is still in progress and not treated, but I’m used to it and can at least make relative comparisons. Zero criticisms at this point, at this price.

For the price these are a ridiculous bargain, and should be a top audition for folks looking for a sub-optional speaker.