Canton or Sonus Faber

Hi all,

Day in and day out it will be Pink Floyd being played.

Anybody had any experience with Canton 809DC or Sonus Faber Cremona bookshelfs?

Just days before I buy me a pair I am having second thoughts.

Thanks in advance!
I've listened to the 890DC speakers a lot, mostly being driven by Rogue M150's. They are a fast, warmish speaker and I like them a lot. Actually, I've heard quite a few members of the Vento family, both current and one generation older, and I like their sound.

I do not have any experience with the Sonus Faber about which you also asked.
I shopped many months for a replacement for my Dynaudio 52SE speakers. I ended up getting a pair of the Sonus faber Cremona M Auditors + stands. I had listened to various Dynaudio models (1.4S, C1, Special 25) and other (Vienna Acoustic, B&W, Spendor). I kept coming back to the SF. The price for the SF were right after manufacturere and dealers discount. I am very happy with the purchase - still breaking in. The WAF is esquisite.
Thanks a lot for the replies everyone!

My Canton audition is two days away. Cant wait! I'll drop in at the other dealer to see if he has the Sonus Fabers.

Thanks again!
