Candles are lit, lights are down low

....and your honey is in your arms...Now what music do you put on?
I am inspired by the some of the posts to a recent thread "Close your eyes and hear the music ?" to ask this question in an attempt to get more "value added" from my electronic investment.

Showing 3 responses by david99

Hey,Im an old pro at this stuff! As I mentioned above Metallica and loud! Other metal and rock works well also!
Think about it.Ya wanna get the adrenalin going,or the tears flowing?? Huh??
Tubegroover,Do I like rough girls? Hmmm,good question.I guess you really cant judge people by the music they like.Im a very mellow guy(really) and have a soft heart.I am a nurse(not that it matters) and dont use ANY substances,legal or illegal but I still like my metal!!
Anyway,do I like rough girls? DAMN STRAIGHT BRO!!!!!