Can you use Philips SACD 1000 as a transport?

Can anyone tell me if a stock Philips SACD 1000 can be used as a transport for redbook CDs?
The SACD 1000 has a digital output which can be used for everything but SACD. If one wants to use the SACD 1000 as an SACD player, you'll have to use the internal DAC's of the unit itself and the analogue outputs on the back. Sean
No, you can not use it for CD transport, only Dolby Digital or DTS is available on the Digital output.

OOPS!!! Thanks for the correction Alex. It's been over a year since i used my SACD 1000, hence my mistake above. I did have an optical cable hooked up to my 1000 and must have confused the fact that i was using this strictly for DD / DTS when watching movies. As such, the SACD 1000 is NOT capable of being used as an audio only transport. Sorry for any confusion and i'm glad someone as knowledgable as Alex is with the 1000 was paying attention : ) Sean