I have been living with a pair of Reference 3a De Capo i speakers for 16 years the silk tweeter version.I run them on VTL tiny triodes at roughly 25 watts a side in triode mode.A marriage made in heaven.I would not blame the speaker.Its not the right match for your amp.I always choose my speaker first then do a deep dive into researching what sounds best for my taste.Tubes that dont sound to warm or Golden is my preference.Your mileage will vary.Peace
Can you tell me why I didn't like the Reference 3a MM's?
So I recently asked about a new amp on the Amplifier forum. I got a lot of good advice and ended up with a Pass XA25. I really like this amp and the sound. I have been told by Reno Hi Fi, Pass Labs and B&W, all of whom I contacted, that the XA25 is under-powered for my B&W 705S2 speakers. But it sounds very good. However a little flat when the volume is low.
So I am looking for some more efficient speakers. I tried a used set of Reference 3a deCapo MM's, but they did not have the clarity of the B&W's and sounded a bit muddy at times.
I am looking at Omega Super Alnico HO's. But I am wondering if the full range driver sound is what I didn't like.
Am I wrong in thinking more efficient speakers will sound somewhat better at a lower volume? Can you possibly tell my why I didn't like the MM's? Something about their design or build?
Any thoughts on the Super Alnico HO's? I don't want to move down the speaker sound chain.
Thanks much! Any other speaker suggestions welcome! But not horns. I am not a Klipsch fan.
So I am looking for some more efficient speakers. I tried a used set of Reference 3a deCapo MM's, but they did not have the clarity of the B&W's and sounded a bit muddy at times.
I am looking at Omega Super Alnico HO's. But I am wondering if the full range driver sound is what I didn't like.
Am I wrong in thinking more efficient speakers will sound somewhat better at a lower volume? Can you possibly tell my why I didn't like the MM's? Something about their design or build?
Any thoughts on the Super Alnico HO's? I don't want to move down the speaker sound chain.
Thanks much! Any other speaker suggestions welcome! But not horns. I am not a Klipsch fan.