Can you recommend an integrated amp 2K or less for Golden Ear Triton 2's?

Hi Everyone, 
A good friend of mine has Triton 2's, and has been using an AVR to feed them.  He reached out to me for recommendations for an integrated amp 2K or under to replace the AVR, which apparently stopped working.  I have been balls deep into the SET + horn-loaded world, so in good conscience I can't recommend something to pair with Triton 2's. I'm hoping to get some recommendations from those of you out there that better know the Triton, as experience matters IMO.  

Thanks in advance! 
Coming from an AVR it certainly won’t be hard to get him better performance.  The NuPrime IDA-8 may be all he needs at 100Wpc and also includes a pretty good DAC and the capability to stream music wirelessly if those are at all considerations.  Gets great reviews and won TAS product of the year award for whatever that’s worth, and it’s only $1095 new.  Best of luck.  
I would highly recommend Primare A30.1, I30 or I32.
Primare A301 is an older model, but it is an awesome integrated amp and not easy to find used. People who bough one keep it forever. I have been using mine for more than decade and it is a delight.
Primare I32 is newer model and could be find for around $2K.
Primare is  HI END "biggest secret"