Can you Listen to Vinyl Casually??

Me, if I spin my vinyl and try to do work around the house or whatever, I am envariably drawn to sit down and listen to the music. Just can't help myself.

With CD or radio - I could care less and do other activities all day.

Anyone else experience this strange behaviour of vinyl addiction ??


Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear friends: I think that Cincy Bob has a very good point here: how good is our digital rig?

If we own a first rate digital source we can enjoy it. The very best digital recordings are wonderful and very near to the analog ones and in some ways better than analog.

Maybe Downunder does not have that digital experience, well he is losting a very good music experience but this is up to him.

Now, if we are doing some other activities and at the same time we are playing ( digital or analog ) music we can't make those activities in " calm " ( with analog ) because we are worried at what time we have to run to the TT to lift the tonearm and in this " meaning " the CD is a better way to do the things with other advantage: the digital recording gives at least the double the time than the analog recordings.

Now, if any one of us have love for music we can enjoy it it does not matter if the source is a digital or analog one and this fact IMHO has nothing to see with a " vinyl addiction ", of course that if we are " close mind " then exist that: " only vinyl is right ".
I think that digital is growing-up unfortunately there are not to much support to give the high-end community the quality performance that we need about: we are not good ( we are a very small audio community. ) commercial business $$$

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Chashmal: +++++ " Can there be any dispute about this?
" +++++

I don't think so, but as different as are both mediums ( analog and digital ) as different are opinions about.

Btw, if i re-call was you asking for a digital source with analog sound ( kind ) performance?, I ask here because of its huge differences: one is digital and the other " analog ", we can't compare it, both source mediums/way have its own advantages and its own disadvantages.

Regards and enjoy the music.

Regards and enjoy the music.