Can you imagine a world without vinyl?

Can you imagine a world without vinyl?
I have been into vinyl for 49 years - since the age of 8 & cannot imagine a world without vinyl.
I started out buying 45's & graduated to 33's (what is now considered LP's).
I have seen 8 tracks come & go, still have a kazillion cassettes, reel to reel & digital cassettes - have both the best redbook player & SACD players available, but must listen to my "LP's" at least 2 hours a day.
I play CD's about 6 hours a day as background music while I'm working, but must get off my butt every now & then & "just listen to real music".
I admit to being a vinyl junkie - wih 7 turntables, 11 cartridges & 8 arms along with 35K albums & 15K 45's.
For all you guys who ask - Is vinyl worth it - the answer is yes!
Just play any CD, cassette, or digital tape with the same version on vinyl & see/hear for yourself.
May take more time & energy (care) to play, but worth it's weight in gold.
Like Mikey says "Try it, you'll like it!"
I love it!

Showing 2 responses by jsadurni

If I imagine a world without vinyl, I imagine the death of high end audio, How many manufacturers will go under when it is finally accepted (in an imaginary world lets say) that Digital is better than vinyl.
I heard not without sadness a couple of months ago a friend tell me that he was trying to sell his beloved Leika camera with the complete set of lenses and could get nothing on Ebay, he even accepted, yes digital photos in high res are better, much better than film. I had heard this statement already from another photographer friend of mine and we also discussed the issue of digital images bieng much more convenient (nobody here will dare challenge this statement). So there goes my dark room, my 3 big trays, my gallons of liquid, my red lamp, my special table with metal margins, all the parafernalia for developing I have stored somewhere...imagine a world without vinyl?
Imagine a Teres wood turntable half burnt inside a dumpster in a NYC street, imagine your Triplanar arm stuck with no box in your sock drawer cause you didnt have the guts to throw it away, you pick it up and a thread from your wool sock is stuck on the needle of your Koestu Urushi, you proceed to very carefully with shaking hands unwrap the thread from around the stylus when you notice it is completely ruined, imagine your 50 boxes of LPs out in the yard under the rain and you are looking at them with a tear in your eye while your grandsons are thowing stones at the boxes with who knows what inside, you are holding in your hand a remote with a screen on it and all the music in those boxes is at your palm, alphabetically ordered by song by author by performer and yes it does sound better, you remember the ten times you rehooked your Micro Seiki 8000 only to notice after the first couple of minutes your new XXX internet player does sound better, you kinda remeber now that there were some details you enjoyed better on you TT only to realize again that for the eleventh time you might drag the air pump from the basement, lift the 40 pound platter and rehook the entire setup to be shown again that yes, it is not better that the new digital.

Did I paint a clear enough picture of a world without vinyl yet?

Hope I didnt break anybodys heart....
I am sorry I didnt mean to hurt (or tripe) anybody I was just picturing a world without vinyl, after I did come to find that picture film was gone.
I was a vinyl diehard, in the 80´s a friend brought over to my place one of the first CD players to show me how it was better than vinyl,we hooked it up to my Fisher 6BQ5 tubed amp (sacrilege in those times) and we compared both CD and Lp (Rush Moving Pictures) and it was clear to me then Vinyl was better (even my friend agreed) I had a NAD TT with an AudioTechnica MM cartridge back then. I bought my first CD in 1994 (Marillion "Brave") and a Nakamichi CD player to go with it, LPs were getting scarce by then.
Yes I am on your side, with vinyl I breath better, but I do enjoy CD playing and have been putting more money into Digital than into vinyl lately, I sold my very expensive preamp with phono about a year ago and I am looking for a good phono stage. So I have been without vinyl for a while and I am surprised I havent missed it that much.
So hang me...

All the Best