Can You Hear Me Now

In an interview with Laurence Borden of Dagogo, Dr Earl Geddes talked about the ability of people to really have golden ears. In his work at Ford, he tried to gauge how good the ten member golden ear panel was. I will let him tell you his findings. “For the most part the study concluded that this panel was “not capable.” In other words their judgments could not be relied upon to be statistically stable. That said, there were two members of the ten who were capable, so it was possible. But the real point here is that someone is not a good judge of sound quality just because they think that they are – all ten members would have claimed that they were audiophiles and good judges of sound quality.
After several more studies along these same lines, I came to conclude that the more someone claimed to be a “golden ear” the less likely it was that they actually were.”  
That got me thinking: how many of our members would belong to the group of eight and how many would be with the two who could really hear. Interesting reading. The full interview can be found here:
N.B. Dr. Earl Geddes is one of the pioneers of the Distributed Bass Array system. His work on the subject is well known. 

Showing 8 responses by mahgister

That’s the paradox of the life we are in, isn’t it? The youths have a lot of energy but don’t know what to do with it. We can appreciate beauty and relationships now but lack the manpower to fully engage in it, if you know what I mean. We can better afford the gears that we want now but are slowly losing our hearing faculties. We really cannot win but by golly, I am going to enjoy every second I got left, so help me God.
If someone know all there is to know he cannot and will not create something new at all immersed in the universal knowledge...

If we create something new, a new perspective on/in the cosmos, we can and may do it because we are " limited " and constrained by our past freedom here and now...Indians called it "dharma/karma" wheel....

Then perhaps to be bown and dying is related also to freedom and not only to fatality....

Thanks for your wise post observation...

My best to you....

«Some slaves chose to be slaves and  they are the real slaves»-Anonymus Smith

«The only blindness at the end is blindness to our own blindness»-Daniel Kish called  "batman" because  being born blind  he teach echolocalization to blind children to help them  navigate alone and freely  the world....
There is more in sound perception and interpretation by the brain than just what measurements pointed to and more than what is the effect of some loss of hearing related to age....

Musical sounds in particular are actively "CREATED " and not only passively perceived by a complex translation mechanism in the brain ....

Then i concur with this wise post:

We may not be able to hear “perfectly” but we can feel the music and will keep tweaking in order to feel more!

For me, the question is not "Do I have golden ears?" but rather these:

"What are the conditions for proper listening?"
"What are the specific qualities to listen for?"
"How can I test myself to know that I'm attending to those qualities properly?"
"What is the vocabulary to affix to said qualities?"

The very phrase "golden ears" is like the phrase in baseball pitching, "rocket arm."

I probably possess neither, by nature. But I want to listen better. That's what it means to be an audiophile -- to try, intelligently.
 Thanks very much....

I wish i would have written a so wise post....

My best to you.....
53 posts11-03-2021 12:05amIf there are golden ears it isn't the hearing ability that is golden it's the ability of the listener to interpret and to what he can hear and to retain as much of it in memory. It's the brain and the listener's experience and concentration that may be golden. The actual hearing of the ear is way down the list.
 Thanks for your great post....

I wish i would have written it myself so well with so few words.... 

My deepest respect...
In any experiment, especially psychological, the devil is in the details. Even when elementary errors of logic have been avoided, and even when the statistics have not been abused, measurements are often irrelevant to the goals of the study.

The whole scientific literature is littered with claims not supported by the data.

Half at least of the scientific litterature published is made of "tailored" measurements on demand , by big pharmas for example...Then it has NOTHING to do with science and is only at best some technological financially interesting "garage lane"...In a word "crookery" or in audio term "snake oil".....This was claimed by one of the director of the Lancet for example decade ago...

All the work of the great philosopher of science and scientist polymath Michael Polaniyi demostrated that science is not about measurements but about the way idea and perception subordinate to one another...

The Ptolemaic model was at least as accurate for measurements than the Copernician model...

But the Copernician subordinate the perception of the apparent centered sun to the invisible movement and idea placing earth AROUND the sun, in contrast to the perception of the sense data...

Today in the era of transhumanistic materialistic technological idolatry " science" is no more an ethic of the Reason and Spirit over the senses, a yoga of the perception like Goethe was teaching us, but the triumph of the blind hubris and of the formula called computer " program" and A.I. ....

Polaniyi remind us also of the destructive effect of any pyramidal control and centralized research over science ... i will not summarize his book....Nor will remind you in the actual crisis on world scene how centralized pharmas destroyed autonomous reason, democracy and freedom and autonomous medecine....
I forgot to say that claiming to own "golden ears" is ridiculous egotic stance most of the times, but claiming that "golden ears" did not exist is pure simple ignorance ...."Batman"  and  Toscanini are 2 different human beings but they exist anyway ....I am neither one.... And probably you are not either... We must train...
The question or the alleged fact here about "golden ears" must be interpreted in training terms and NOT being a way to classify people...

The important fact is our hearing ability is related proportionately to our own ability to train it ourself everyday by listening experiments and musical training...

The FOCUSED hearing or seeing attention is half of our brain work and PERIPHERAL hearing or seing attention the other half...Imagine a rythm between these 2 halves of your brain and this rythm is controlled by your conscious working on it...Like a ping pong player focusing on the ball and at the same times on the body of his opponent...

Remember one of the geatest mystery in acoustic is that anyone COULD SEE with the right training of his ATTENTION the microdynamic playing tonal timbre of an instrument playing this ONE NOTE like a 3-D object in some space with a complete physionomy like a human figure...This is a LEARNED conscious experience for most of us....

And learning how these interrelated visual cues and auditive cues are possibly translated in one another is one of the most striking experience in musical life and in psycho-acoustic science... Acoustic is key to audiophile life and musical training...Not dac, amplifiers,cables,turntable,or even speakers by themselves....

Acoustic is not electronic engineering, nor a TIMBRE is only a spectrum of frequencies...Timbre is a subjective experienced perception, spectrum is a mathemarical hypothesis about Timbre perception which is anyway UNEXPLAINED for the time being...

 A maestro, an acoustician, a piano tuner, a passive audiophile, an experimenting audiophile, an average music consumer, all these are "trained" on a scale that go from almost zero to 100%...

To that we must add innate ability like perfect pitch perception or echolocalization by some blind people...

The true question is NOT whom own "golden ears"...Some few only...

The true question is how do you train your own ears and WHAT do you do for listening experiments and musical training ...

Most people buy a new amplifier and call that an audiophile experience... 😁😊

Some reviewers think seriously that they know much because they had plug 100 costly new amplifiers to a wall and reviewed them ...(mine cost me 100 bucks ) SOUND IS NOT always MUSIC....MUSIC IS NOT always SOUND...An acoustically well informed sound could be good music, but music could be played silently so to speak in the head for example...

And it takes me all my life to learn how to listen to Scriabin and why listening to him for example, and all my life to figure out some acoustic.... Some musicians learn that in the cradle...Some rare blind people know that from the womb...

Golden ears ? we all own some POTENTIAL golden ears, but the NECESSARY training and the INNATE ability scale could vary much....