Can you get good sound bridging 2 Classe CA-200s

I have had on-going issues with my Classe CA-200 amplifier's mosfet fuses blowing out driving my Thiel CS2.3s. The sound is excellent, however, after 40 to 60 minutes the amplifier gets hot and the fuses blow. (I do play music loud). One reasonably economical solution would be to find another used CA-200 and bridge the amplifers to double the power. Will this work? Will the sound be as good? Has anyone tried this. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by ngjockey

Finding it hard to fathom the ruggedly built CA-200's not being able to handle the Thiels. Granted, the Thiels are a fairly tough load but gotta think that something is wrong with the amp. Perhaps, the bias has drifted and needs to be adjusted. Is there an AC issue? Are both amp and preamp DC-coupled?

Anyway, bridging not advisable as that doesn't increase current into low impedance loads and just as likely to make problem worse. The increase in power from bridging is mostly voltage which only helps you keep the volume knob a bit further back.