Can you get good sound bridging 2 Classe CA-200s

I have had on-going issues with my Classe CA-200 amplifier's mosfet fuses blowing out driving my Thiel CS2.3s. The sound is excellent, however, after 40 to 60 minutes the amplifier gets hot and the fuses blow. (I do play music loud). One reasonably economical solution would be to find another used CA-200 and bridge the amplifers to double the power. Will this work? Will the sound be as good? Has anyone tried this. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by dob


I agree with Ngjockey that bridging will mostly double your voltage whereas you may (MAY) need higher current.

However,from your description it seems that its the raise in temperature trigger the fuse failure.

I would check your power conditioner first - if its regenerator then by removing it you will, most probably will solve the problem.

Next, I would call manufactuurer as no one here knows strenghts and weaknesses of your amps as they are. Prepare SPL/Frequency and Ohm/Frequency data of your speakers. If you can obtain the Phase/Frequency data it would be more informative for Classe people.

I owned Classe a few years ago and it also failed (they save on rail fuses 30 cents or 40 cents) and I had to sent it to them for very expensive repair - I sold it upon return and never touched Classe since and never recommend it to anyone but you have what you have.

Good Luck !