Can you get good sound bridging 2 Classe CA-200s

I have had on-going issues with my Classe CA-200 amplifier's mosfet fuses blowing out driving my Thiel CS2.3s. The sound is excellent, however, after 40 to 60 minutes the amplifier gets hot and the fuses blow. (I do play music loud). One reasonably economical solution would be to find another used CA-200 and bridge the amplifers to double the power. Will this work? Will the sound be as good? Has anyone tried this. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by bcarr38

Thank you for all the great comments. Sounds like a second CA-200 is probably not the answer. In response to some of the questions,I have the following information:

* I'm not that technical so I don't know how to check the bias.
* AC may be a problem, I will try to plug the amp into a seperate circuit from the other equipment.
* Not sure what it means for the amp and preamp to be DC coupled, sorry.
* The CA-200 is a side heat sink version.
* The amp is well ventilated.
* I do have a Furman power conditioner which is a relatively new addition. I will bipass that and see if it helps.

Thanks for all the ideas! Sounds like a call to Classe is in order as well. Thanks!
Thank you Gbart, I think I am down to the biasing issue and the power conditioer. I will chek out both. Thank you for the comments!
Thank you Chadnliz. I have removed my Furman power conditioner from the amplifier. My system still gets hot but no blown fuses yet. I will keep testing. Thanks.