Can US 220 Volts Be Used On European 220 V Amp?

I am in the US and all my audio components run on the traditional voltage from a standard wall outlet. I am considering the purchase of a European amplifier that runs on 220 volts. If a US 220 Volt socket is added in my listening room, will the 220V European amp run properly on this US 220 voltage? Some thoughts I had is that the US 220V is 60 Hz, while (I think) the European 220V is 50 Hz.  I plugged in a volt meter into my wall outlet and it reads +/- 120 volts. Does that mean the the 2-pole voltage is 240 volts? Lots of questions and I don't want to damage the 220V European amp if I decide to buy it. Let me know your thoughts and experiences. Thanks in advance.

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Showing 1 response by jea48

 Things to consider:

1) No warranty on new purchased equipment.

2) Will need, for electrical safety, to use a 250V receptacle and plug. Therein cannot used 120V aftermarket power cords.

3) More than likely will not meet electrical code. Connected Load will not be large enough for use of  a 240V branch circuit. You may not find a licensed electrician that will install a 240V branch for the audio equipment.

4) Only one Hot ungrounded conductor in the equipment is safety fused. The equipment will be fed with two Hot ungrounded conductors.