Hello Pls1, can you please expand on this. I can't quite follow.
"The reason that upsampling improves the sound is that it allows the DAC to convert the digital info to analog with fewer added artifacts that are a result of the DAC's internal conversion algorithms and filters"
- How is it converting the digital to analog with fewer added artifacts?
- Where is the analog signal goes from there?
"These added analog artifacts (which are NOT part of the original CD's encoded data) make the analog signal sound harsh and congested. "
- Where is the upsampling come-in? Will it clean out the artifacts while the signal still in digital or analog?
Thanks, William
"The reason that upsampling improves the sound is that it allows the DAC to convert the digital info to analog with fewer added artifacts that are a result of the DAC's internal conversion algorithms and filters"
- How is it converting the digital to analog with fewer added artifacts?
- Where is the analog signal goes from there?
"These added analog artifacts (which are NOT part of the original CD's encoded data) make the analog signal sound harsh and congested. "
- Where is the upsampling come-in? Will it clean out the artifacts while the signal still in digital or analog?
Thanks, William