Can this sub arrangement work, please sub pro's?

I have Sp Tech Rev III s in my family room. 6 foot high, ugly, 5 ft from wall - wife detests them, estetically, but loves the sound. She wants speakers against wall but agrees to Joseph Pulsars a few feet from wall on stands. Esthetically acceptable, sonically acceptable, but they need a sub since room is 4500 cubic feet. How about I plant the sanus stands on PSB 10-HD subs(12x12x12) literally standing on them, as supports, which will alleviate her objection to another real estate occupier? Will this work and how should I hook them up? My preamp, an EAR 868 doesn't have subs out
And my amps are Bel Canto ref 1000ms.

Showing 1 response by martykl

You might consider these:

I use them in my HT room (with subs). They look great and sound more than very good (tho perhaps somewhat less than truly great) in 2 channel use IMHO. As a WAF compromise, these are worth checking out.

As to x-over arrangements for your subs - I'd always choose to cross in the digital domain, particularly if you don't use vinyl (or other analog) source material. A good pre-pro or something like the HK 990 integrated amp would allow this and would provide digital room correction, as well. I've never managed to get seamless sub/main integration without going this route. Of course, YMMV.

Good luck.
