Can this be good first tube amplifier?

I found many people who had never used tube amplifier before but interested in trying it out for warm tube sound.

This one looks nice and appears to be good value.

After tube rolling input 12AT7 tubes, it may sound fine.

What is your opinion about it?


Showing 1 response by chipdelacalzada

My first integrated tube amp was a Yaqin MC-30L, it never gave me reliability issues (had it for 4 years) except it was difficult to bias since I was a noob and there was no bias meter. I had to bring it to my technician every time I tube rolled the power tubes.

Sound is okay, warm and musical but not near the level of Line Magnetic and Cayin. Based on what I've heard my ranking is:
1. Line Magnetic
2. Cayin
3. Yaqin