Can the RA Opus 21 rock better than a Wadia?

I was almost set on getting a used Wadia unit but recently came across the Resolution Audio Opus 21. Reading the reviews, the Opus seems intriguing and a good puchase. I am thinking of picking up one brand new.

I listen primarily to rock, blues, pop with some occasional jazz. I like music that's pacy, rhythmic - where there's plenty of drive and energy, without the sound becoming too 'digital' and sacrificing air and sounstage. Where I live, I don't have a chance to audition the Opus and hoping that Audiogoners on this site can advise me.

I gather from all the positive reviews that the Opus is a great, vinyl-sounding, detailed, musical machine with good PRAT. Wanted to know if the RA21 can best the Wadia range of CD players from the 301 to 861 as a CD player that plays rock and blues. What advantages does the RA21 have over the Wadia house sound?

Any opinions from users of both machines are much appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by kurt_tank

And I prefer the Resolution Audio Opus 21. (FYI, we have identical taste in music, FWIW).

The Opus 21 has a vinyl like sound (close, but not quite there, IMHO), that makes the music come to life. (Now, if you can stretch your budget a bit more, the Audio Aero Capitole II is even better, (and even closer to the sound of vinyl), but even used it is more expensive, @ $4,500.) I prefer the sound of vinyl to any digital sound I have heard, and while the Wadia is good, it just did not have that touch of vinyl sound that I like.

BTW, Resolution Audio used to have a return policy that if within 30 days you don't like it, you can return it for a 95% refund, less shipping. YOu might want to check with Jeff Kalt, with R.A., to see if that is still in effect. (BTW, Jeff is a great guy, and will do anything in his power to help you. Always nice to have a guy stand up beind his product.)

Good Luck in your search!

PS The Opus 21 has an excellent analog volume control built-in that you can use if you wish to avoid using a preamp (both the RCA and XLR outputs use it). However, if you use a preamp like I do (i.e. for other sources like a turntable!), than you can bypass the volume control by using the DIN output. I do this myself. I have a specially made DIN-XLR Interconnct cable using an Audience Au24 cable. (Although you can make it DIN-RCA if you choose, as the DIN is not a balanced output). This improves the sound to its ulimate performance.
Here is a guy on Audio Asylum who compared the RA Opus 21 to the Wadia 301.

RA Opus 21 review

(There are several reviews of the RA Opus 21 on this site actually.)

Hope this helps.

PS The noisey transport issue was solved long ago, so unless you buy a used early model, it is not relevant.
Also, the new remote does have direct track access as well.

I will be completely honest and say that I really never compared the two methods, as I have used the Opus 21 using the Au24 DIN-XLR cable almost exclusively. Jeff Kalt told me that the absolute best sound is via the DIN, so I immediately went that route. Although, I did not use the DIN cable he sold, as I had read a review from a guy on Audio Asylum who tried both the DNM and the AU24, and much preferred the later.
Again, he uses a very good analog volume control, so the difference is pretty small, based on my (and my friends) limited experience. My friend borrowed my DIN cable and tested it against his XLR cable (Cardas Golden Reference, I believe), and did prefer the Au24, enough so that he too ordered one. This is the same friend who upgraded to the Audio Aero Captitole II a while later, which is why I know it is better. (But to be honest, it is not so much better that I would sell my Opus 21 to get it, as I prefer to spend that extra couple of grand on better analog equipment.)

PS The only time I ever tried them direct to the amp, was when I first bought my Lamm M2.1 amps and I was just quickly checking the amps to make sure they worked fine and were balanced properly, before finalizing the sale of the amps. (My preamp does not have a balance control so I am very particular about this.) They sounded great, but since they were connected to a new set of amps, it is not fair for me to really say what they did.

PPS As long as you do your research properly, you probably can't really go too much wrong no matter what you get. I have heard good things about the Wadia too. Another player to check out is the Ayre C-5XE, which has been getting some good reviews as well. (Ayre is a great company with great service as well. I own the Ayre K-1XE preamp.)

I actually ordered it through some company called northwest audio, or something like that. (I don't know if they still advertize here or not, as I can't seem to find their ad anymore.)

What I suggest is writing to every cable reseller you can find that you need a AU24 I.C. terminated with a DIN to XLR (whatever length you need, although I suggest at least a meter), and then see what the best price you can get is. That is what I did and I ended up saving about a hundred dollars betweent he high estimate and the low estimate. (It should be about $500-600. I paid $500, but that was a couple of years ago.)

Good Luck!