Can't set rake angle right even lowest VTA (digital microscope checked)

Following Michael Fremer's instruction (makes sense) to set up stylus rake angle with digital microscope ( and found that with lowest VTA setting, my angle is 96 degrees (from starting point of 102 degrees! when arm is parallel to the record with the target of 92 +/-1 degree). Cartridge is Ortofon Kontrapunkt C (recommended VTA 20 degrees, now at 23 degrees), VPI 10.5" arm. It definitely sounds a whole lot better esp mid range and high but arm/stylus almost had no clearance to the record. This is weird and I shouldn't need to set the height at the bottom of the tonearm tower. Tracking weight is 2.6 gm within recommended range.
Thoughts are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @goldeneardoc : VPI tonearms has a especial kind of alignment that's not Barwald or Löfgren and that kind of alignment cause a overhang of deviation of 2mm. against the other alignments y could be the reason of the trouble you have about.

I think that what you have to do is to put in contact with VPI to look for its advice because what @jperry posted is rigth.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,