Can't Find Offer

I came across some cables in the marketplace here and made an offer on them. Only about 10% less than asking price. I then went to my Marketplace/Buying to double check, and it says I have not placed an offer on any listing. I rechecked a couple of hours later and still couldn't find the offer.

I went back to the listing and put the offer in again, just in case I had missed something. Still no sign of an offer anywhere. I know there is an automatic rejection of low ball offers. And some sellers don't want offers. But wouldn't I then get some notification, instead of letting me go through all the steps?


Showing 2 responses by lowrider57

So, you clicked on MAKE AN OFFER. Did a new page open up that has a space for the amount, underneath that is your address, and at the bottom is a box for you to make comments?

If you don't see your shipping address on that page, maybe you're not signed in. Or you can sign out and sign in again.

Ron, send the seller a message stating that you made an offer. Then you'll know you made contact. If he ignores you, then maybe the offer is too low and being rejected.