Can't believe I let myself get sucked in again.

Good morning.
It has been over 10 years since I have actively participated in the forums.  Well I am back and bit hard.  I purchased 2 Bluesound Node2is and 1 Powernode2i on Saturday.  I have not done any critical listening in a very long time.  I am itching to get back into being an audiofool.  In a position to put a listening together again and I don't want to be patient but alas I must.  All in due time.  So feel free to welcome back this goner.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xartizen65

Showing 1 response by shamus2211

Welcome to a world of madness. Beware of Kenjit, he is an audiophool prophet who knows. No matter what, he knows. He has even invented the worlds best speakers (I think) but sadly doesn't know how to make them and doesn't have a system to play them. You will soon learn. Otherwise, this is a great place to waste your life if you aren't doing any serious listening.