Can streamed Music sound better on a Sunday?

I’m new to the audio world. I had an accident about 2 1/2 years ago that left me a highly functioning quadriplegic. I used to mountain bike five days a week, that’s how I had the accident. I loved it I wouldn’t change anything. So I was looking into other things that interested me. Back in the 1980s I was into audio and then I took a 30 year hiatus and here I am. It’s a whole New World. So my question is can audio that I stream on a Sunday sound better than the same music during the week? Is it possible that you get less bandwidth when things are busy during the week versus when there’s less traffic on a Sunday? Call me crazy but It’s Sunday afternoon and my system sounds wonderful.
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Showing 1 response by ddude003

Bandwidth and error rates are easy enough to look into with apps like speed test and error logs/rates from your broadband modem...  I would guess it is something else like power or RFI issues...  Some devices can be pretty sensitive...  Even power or RFI noise from a neighbor or business might be the issue...  Maxwell, Tesla and Faraday suggest that all things transmit and receive...