Can someone tell me the Class of my Tandberg amp

I was wondering if someone with a little more expertise could chime in and look at the diagrams and figure out what class the amplifier is. I know that the class A's are usually the most sought after, or AB. Isn't this a classification of their efficiency? If so why does it translate into better sound?

Thanks Again,

'class' does not necc 'translate' to better sound...your speakers and room will be much more important ..tandberg is excellent vintage gear rated c for cool.
Sheesh, so much doubletalk and and so many red herrings in response to a straightforward question. Here's the straightforward answer - all the Tandberg amplifiers I've ever seen are Class B (Push/Pull configuration). There is no coupling capacitor in series with the speaker, which is a dead giveaway for a Class A or AB amp. There is direct DC coupling to the speakers, which is why there's a protective relay circuit which clicks out when the DC balance is off. (Why? If you send any appreciable DC current to your speakers, you'll blow them out.) Using direct DC coupling means you don't have (another) varying impedance in the line to the speakers. (The speakers themselves are a varying impedance, but hey, ya can't do anything about that!)
Old thread but felt compelled to correct the previous statement:

Tandberg amps are in fact class AB, not class B. The outputs are not shut off completely with no signal present, which would be required to meet Class B definition.

You wouldn't be setting bias adustments at 35-40mV otherwise :-)

They made receivers with capacitive coupling (in the TR 1000 series) and without (everything subsequent to those), and they made bipolar receivers & amps and later MOSFET amps in both integrated & component form, and one receiver (3080A).

All of those are class AB.
