Can someone please help

I just hooked up the denon avr-s760h. Currently just trying to play music thru Bluetooth.

I’m only running a front left, front right, and a sub. Fr fl hooked up to fr and fl outputs on receiver. Sub hooked up to sub 1 output.

I can not get the sub to play. If I put it on surround mode only the sub plays. So I know it works. When I put it back on stereo mode there is only a “FR” and “fl” level adjustment. So sub adjustment so it’s like the receiver doesn’t think a sun is hooked up.

I’ve been reading the manual and gone thru every setting and can’t figure it out.

I’m frustrated if anyone has this receiver please help


Showing 1 response by gkelly

Mabey try, In the menu setting, speakers, speaker config., front small or large. Guessing it will be small, but do both to see. Have subwoofer to yes. Also check amp assign.