Can Rock-N-Roll have great sound quality?

I need help finding well recorded rock-n-roll. Dire Strait's "Brothers in Arms",Queensryche's "Empire",Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" are good and so are some of Heart's. All Van Halen is really bad, and everybody else is in between. I have Dave Koz's self titled cd and nothing in the rock genre comes close. Please help my 802's.
Thanks to those who have added dimension and intriguing new possibilities to this quest! I will definitely be checking out those mentioned with which I'm unfamiliar.

I am aware there may be a problem of classification on some of this stuff. Personally, I will listen to AND PERPETUALLY RETURN TO ANYTHING well recorded (about 25 to 50 of my thousand or so CDs). The rest I just won't listen to, so it is obvious to me that recording quality is MUCH more important than content to me. I have everything from Jane Monheit to African tribal chants to the hardest fusion (my musical core preference) BUT IT MUST BE RECORDED WELL!!

On ELP: LOVED THEM during their heyday on the world stage and years ago tried to reacquire the remastered CDs. Sound quality was OK, but like all the archive R and R stuff, the instruments sounded small and recessed in space. I want my instruments to sound life sized or larger -- as big in a room as an amped live guitar would be -- very rare that an old recording will give you that.

A few more entries in best recorded electric-guitar based post advent-of-rock music: Uncle Moe's Space Ranch by Brett Garsed et al. And the first two Attention Deficit CDs don't know if they've put out any others.
Thanks for the tips, I cant beleive that I left out the Eagle's "Hotel California", it is great. But to clarify, I am looking for the music that increases your blood pressure, an uncontrollable need to start playing air guitar, and you realize that your head is thrashing around. Judas Priest or Ozzy comes to mind. When K.K. or Randy starts playing and your pulled into the music instead of just listening. I'm even looking for rock ballads like the Scporpions and Dokken have.
Perhaps the best advice I can give you is to go over to the Audiophile Imports website. They specialize in fusion music which in ALOT of cases is produced by the maturing ex-members of metal bands, including a few of Ozzy's guitarists.
Notably one of these cases that comes to mind is Chris Poland, ex Megadeth guitarist, who is now doing work in OHM that I hear great things about. Talk to the guys running the site by phone and explain what you seek. The main man has a long history with alot of these folks and knows his stuff so can direct you properly. Audio samples on their offerings too will help validate.
Another case I just remembered is Steve Stevens formerly of Billy Idol affiliation who is the guitarist behind "Black Light Syndrome" (name of the first CD by Bozzio Levin and Stevens) -- it is excellent and well recorded (avoid their second effort though -- sound quality is atrocious). Bozzio, the drummer has been with Jeff Beck, etc.
Without doing more research, I've forgotten the band roots of alot of these people since I have little interest in what they used to produce, but if you ever wondered what happens to an aging metalist with chops galore but no fan base, FUSION is where they are headed in droves!
Maich is dead on... but IMO great recording quality is not always required to achieve lift off, anyway, other evil serious (and well recorded) brain bombs are available from:
Dysrhythmia,(all three are good)
Dr. Nerve (Skin)
Trevor Dunn (Trio Convulsant)
Hasse Bruniusson (Flying Food Circus)
Coryell/Coster/Smith (Cause And Effect)
Massacre (w/ Fred Frith start w/ 2 or 3)
Il Berlione
Don Caballero
Jonas Hellborg (Time Is The Ememy, Abstract Logic)
Nekropsi (Mi Kubbesi)
Alamaailman Vasarat (1st)
David Fiuczynski (Kif, or Mandala)
Harriett Tubman (Prototype)
Bone Structure (Bendian/Stinson/Gauthier/Liebig)
Ruins (Vrresto... most of their others are kinetic monsters too, don't waste yer' time w/ Magma, this two man band easily eclipses them).

Maybe not so depraved, but still pretty narcotic:

Kollektiv (1st)
Guru Guru (Kanguru)
Sonic Youth (A Thousand Leaves, Sonic Nurse)
Ganger (Hammock Style)
Priam (3 Distances)
Tarental (Any)
Boom (One Hour Talisman)
Ui (Two sided Sharpie)
Tortoise (1st 3)

What does your system consist of. I spent nearly 2 years trying to make this work. I listen to everything from AC/DC to Zeppelin. I have got it real darn close. Some recordings just plain suck and you will never get them to sound good. But I would say I have got about 90% of them down. Everything needs to be forgiving. I am running tubes and analog, so I don't know what you have.