Can Redbook CD Be Saved

This type of thread has been discussed in various OPs elsewhere in one form or another. Some have said that the future belongs to one type of hi rez format or another, or maybe even various types of formats. Well, redbook CD has been around for three decades and many of us "old heads" have made significant investments in our CDPs and redbook CD collections based on 16 bit/44.1 kHz technology.

So I ask those knowledgeable in digital formats whether it is possible that redbook CD technology can be improved to the point that it could be substantially comparable to the various so called "cutting edge" hi rez formats coming down the pike? Maybe the improvements would have to start at the recording studio. Dunno?? But I would appreciate learning whether redbook CD equipment and CDs are headed the way of the 8-track?


Showing 3 responses by macdadtexas

The reason Bifwynne's records sound better, is the same reason mine and everyone else's sound better; they have all the analog information.

You are not converting or sampling, you are listening to the recording.

I do have some stellar SACD's, that on the right player (I no longer have a refernce quality player, since I gave up on discs) sound almost as good as vinyl, but never have I heard CD's stand up to vinyl. The reason we still have a 100 yr old technology.

I now have a Wyred4Sound DAC2 (my 12th DAC in the last few years) that I really do love with digital. But, I think the high res files sound better than any CD's that I have played through it. I am using a Oppo 83 as the transport, but still, the DAC with high res FLAC files, blows the CD's away.
Rrog, You don't read very well do you? I said I currently don't own a reference disc player, but I have. And many, many DAC's, including the awesome Berkeley (borrowed, didn't own), PS Audio Perfectwave and Bryston BDA-1 (great DAC) all recently, among others.

I have also owned a wonderful Parts Connexion modified Denon 5910 (the last really good disc player I owned, and a Linn Unidisc, once among others over the years. So you are way off base.

Red disc CD, by definition of the sample rate, is inferior. You can bluster all you want, but it is. If you say differntly you are just talking your book. Vinyl can be a pain in the butt, and there are not enough SACD titles to mess with anymore, but I will keep the ones that I have.

If you love the convenience of digital, the last medium to use for that is 44.1 CD. Hi Rez files and a very good NEW DAC blow them away, and are even more convenient. I will keep collecting vinyl, and use a DAC to play my FLAC files for conveneince sake. But CD's, they are as dead as 8 tracks, they just don't know it yet.